Showing only posts tagged hiking. Show all posts.

Sev­en days of day hikes across Slov­e­nia’s Ju­li­an Alps with my friends Bri­an and Mark.


Hik­ing with my wife in the En­gad­ine re­gion of the Swiss Alps.


A gor­geous 6-day back­pack­ing trip in Col­or­ado’s Ma­roon Bells - Snow­mass Wil­der­ness with my long-time hik­ing com­pan­ions.

hiking, backpacking

Hik­ing with my wife in the Bernese Ober­land re­gion of the Swiss Alps.


A bru­tally tough day hike over four peaks with Bri­an. Long day, great scenery.


A gor­geous Fall day hike up Mt. Mori­ah with Bri­an… one of our best hikes in the Whites, thanks to the col­ors and views.


A sunny, snowy winter day hike to North Kins­man and South Kins­man peaks with Bri­an. A gor­geous day and great hike with a few fant­ast­ic pic­tures.
