Showing only posts tagged health. Show all posts.

So far so good, no cause iden­ti­fied yet, keep rid­ing.

health, stroke

Pro­cessing what it means to have had a stroke.

health, stroke

I had a stroke in Oc­to­ber. Total sur­prise. I’m fine. Now what?

health, stroke

A sum­mary of my back pain saga, cur­rent status, and re­com­mend­a­tions.

health, back pain

Best sum­mer ever.


Sur­gery, again. This time with met­al.

back pain, health

I developed debilitating back pain in 2017. This is the second part of the story.

back pain, health

I developed debilitating back pain in 2017. A few thoughts on that...

back pain, health

I developed debilitating back pain in 2017. This is the first part of the story, with recommendations.

back pain, health

Recovering from injuries... kinda.

cycling, health

The B2B turns into a trip to the ER.

cycling, health