NYC Life: Rainy Day Walk

It’s about a 40 minute walk from our apart­ment to my of­fice down on 40th and 3rd.

(It is still kinda funny and kinda cool to me that I’m get­ting used to New York ad­dresses. Like, when someone says those street names, I now have some­thing of a gen­er­al feel for the area and per­haps even a guess as to what’s in that vi­cin­ity. Still really only works for me in the Lower and Up­per East Sides, oth­er­wise known as my com­mute.)

I love do­ing that walk when I have time. Even with stop­ping for traffic, it feels good to stretch the legs and free the mind.

With the rain today, the light was play­ing games. I grabbed a few pho­tos along the stroll.