NYC Life: Five Boros Ride

I’d heard about the “Five Boros Ride”, and then I saw it ad­vert­ised on the sub­way this year. So I signed up.

Every year, Bike New York hosts an or­gan­ized ride through all five bor­oughs of the city, clos­ing the streets so that 10s of thou­sands of cyc­lists of all types can ride roughly 40 miles without car traffic.

What bet­ter way to ex­plore my new home? So I signed up.

The ride was fant­ast­ic. I vis­ited Brook­lyn and Staten Is­land for the first time ever. I learned new ways through Queens. I saw the city by bike in ways I nev­er could have oth­er­wise. I had a total blast fly­ing through the crowds in the slip­stream of a dread­locked cyc­list play­ing loud rap to clear the way through Brook­lyn. I met a 70+ year-old vet­er­an rid­ing the Five Boros for his 30th time - this time on a flat ped­al beach-style bike. I as­pire to be like him at that age.

On the oth­er hand, it was also some­what in­sane. Prob­ably the most dan­ger­ous ride I’ll have all year, be­cause it was so crowded. We ac­tu­ally had to walk our bikes up the Ed Koch bridge due to the crowds. You had to be con­stantly vi­gil­ant for people who might veer in­to you.

Not sure I’ll do it again, but it was a great one-time ex­per­i­ence.