NYC Life: A Weekend in the City

Some­thing of a mile­stone: for the first time, we’re spend­ing sev­er­al weeks in a row in the city. In­stead of re­turn­ing to Mas­sachu­setts on the week­end to be with fam­ily or handle oth­er things go­ing on there, we’re set­tling in­to the apart­ment here and aim­ing to get to know NYC just a bit bet­ter.

So far, life here has really been just about work, and the ef­fort needed to get a Min­im­ally Vi­able aPart­ment. Now it feels like we’re shift­ing in­to also try­ing to have some­thing of a life here.

The apart­ment is still ba­sic­ally full of empty card­board, but we FI­NALLY have a couch! It’s great to sit on some­thing oth­er than a camp chair.

We found a great farm­er’s mar­ket on the side­walk that takes place on the week­ends not far from us, and I got out on my bike to ex­plore the south­ern end of the is­land.

Roam­ing the city is fun. I love see­ing how it all con­nects. We went fur­niture shop­ping, which was fine… but also find­ing a re­cord store (cause for some reas­on the apart­ment feels like a place to play LPs (?!)) and a few amus­ing sights down in Chelsea.