NYC Life: Roosevelt Island Ride

Fi­nally man­aged to get a good enough night’s sleep to get up early and head out with the sun to ex­plore the world be­fore work star­ted.

Found my way along the East River over some bridge to some is­land, then over some oth­er bridge in­to Queens, from there to Roosevelt Is­land.

From there, I called my wife, who was back in the apart­ment. If you look very, very closely at the build­ing view, you can spot her wav­ing to me from our bal­cony.

Then I raced back through the potholes of Queens in­to the Lower East Side and through gath­er­ing morn­ing traffic to make it home and get cleaned up be­fore the first Zoom of the day. Felt so great to get out and see a little bit more of our new neigh­bor­hood.