NYC Life: A Partial Apartment

The new apart­ment is great. We love the view of the Bronx and the East River. It’s def­in­itely quieter than the old place… al­though the back­ground noise is still non-stop.

That said, set­tling in­to is prov­ing to be dif­fi­cult. Sup­ply chain. Ship­ping delays. Find­ing the time to think about it.

We’ve nev­er star­ted a new place en­tirely from scratch. We al­ways had some­thing from a pre­vi­ous place … milk car­ton shelves, IKEA fur­niture, wed­ding gifts. Here: noth­ing. Really in­ter­est­ing.

Turns out that the or­der we’ve ended up get­ting things is:

  • A mat­tress (but no bed, yet…)
  • Tow­els
  • WiFi
  • A light
  • Some­thing to eat on oth­er than the floor

We’ve de­cided to dec­or­ate us­ing Camp Fur­niture and New Card­board Mo­tif as those are read­ily avail­able… and they’re so styl­ish.