NYC Life: Images from March

I’m now about 2.5 months in. I’ve spent one week up in Mas­sachu­setts work­ing re­motely, which went fine, and week­ends are a little calmer. But oth­er­wise, it’s still non­stop go-go-go, try­ing to learn as fast as pos­sible. We’ve already made a few crit­ic­al de­cisions at work that will have im­pact for years… but that’s a story for a dif­fer­ent place.

Mean­while, a few high­lights from the month…

Turns out MSK still has data cen­ters. And awe­some teams.

I’m lov­ing the rent­al bikes as a way to get around town, just like I did back in New Eng­land. Bo­ston is more fun to ride, ‘cause it’s cra­zi­er and has a zil­lion ways to get lost. NYC is just a big rec­ti­lin­ear grid pop­u­lated by in­sane taxi drivers.

Caught up with an old friend one Sunday morn­ing for deep strategy ses­sions while walk­ing in Cent­ral Park. So New York, so great.