NYC Life: Found A New Place
Michele has, amazingly, already found us a new place, one that will hopefully be more comfortable and better for sleeping and relaxing.
We had thought we might wait until Spring, then spend some time figuring out which New York neighborhood would fit us best. But our current apartment just wan’t working at all, so Michele went hunting. She ruled out a ton of places that were just too corporate, or too expensive, or had no flavor. Then she found a really nice place that’s very close to the MSK hospital complex. It took me ten seconds of touring it to agree with her that it would work well. A day later, we had a lease.
Hopefully 30 floors above the traffic will be a little quieter.
It’s only about 10 minutes from the old place, so we’ve been moving in just by walking our small set of stuff over in duffles.
Gotta say, I do love the walking lifestyle.
And the view at night in the new place is pretty damn spectactular.