NYC Life: Found A New Place

Michele has, amaz­ingly, already found us a new place, one that will hope­fully be more com­fort­able and bet­ter for sleep­ing and re­lax­ing.

We had thought we might wait un­til Spring, then spend some time fig­ur­ing out which New York neigh­bor­hood would fit us best. But our cur­rent apart­ment just wan’t work­ing at all, so Michele went hunt­ing. She ruled out a ton of places that were just too cor­por­ate, or too ex­pens­ive, or had no fla­vor. Then she found a really nice place that’s very close to the MSK hos­pit­al com­plex. It took me ten seconds of tour­ing it to agree with her that it would work well. A day later, we had a lease.

Hope­fully 30 floors above the traffic will be a little quieter.

It’s only about 10 minutes from the old place, so we’ve been mov­ing in just by walk­ing our small set of stuff over in duffles.

Gotta say, I do love the walk­ing life­style.

And the view at night in the new place is pretty damn spec­tac­tu­lar.