NYC Life: Bright Spots

Things re­main in­sanely busy and crazy. No time to think. No time to com­mu­nic­ate with friends. Not really keep­ing up with ex­er­cise. Tired all the time.

But there are some bright mo­ments for sure.

The people I’m work­ing with are amaz­ing, ded­ic­ated, tal­en­ted. MSK is a very com­plic­ated place, but the chal­lenge and op­por­tun­ity is in­vig­or­at­ing.

I keep find­ing cool cof­fee spots to sip and work a bit. Small joys.

And it’s fun to look up every once in a while and real­ize, “wow, it’s New York City”.

This place is grow­ing on me.