NYC Life: The Office

MSK’s main hos­pit­al com­plex in Man­hat­tan is up on 68th on the Up­per East Side, near my apart­ment. It has loc­a­tions all over the city.

I walked the 30 blocks south to the high-rise on 30th where my IT or­gan­iz­a­tion has its primary of­fices. The stroll was brisk and fresh. I found awe­some cof­fee along the way.


It is so weird to have an of­fice again. I’d rather roam, but it’s kind of hard to Zoom on the run. Not sure what I think of it… it’s a little full of it­self, with a non-spec­tac­u­lar close-up view of the ever-busy, ever-loud 3rd Av­en­ue. On the up­side: nice white­board.

Of­fice space is even weirder than usu­al in our un­settled pan­dem­ic mode. The va­cant cubes and newly ren­ov­ated col­lab­or­a­tion spaces feel noth­ing like a hos­pit­al and everything like aban­doned cor­por­ate Amer­ica.