NYC Life: Starting the Adventure

And the ad­ven­ture be­gins.

I start with Me­mori­al Sloan Ket­ter­ing to­mor­row. I’ve got a duffle, a back­pack, a train tick­et, and a fur­nished apart­ment wait­ing for me.

The ba­sic idea: split time between New York and Mas­sachu­setts. Make a new home in the city while keep­ing one in the New Eng­land woods, be­cause life, fam­ily, friends. See how that goes in this era of some­times re­mote work and linger­ing Cov­id. Clearly much of this job will be best in per­son, but per­haps not all. We’ll see.

Switch­ing to a job as in­tense as this will be a big change.

Adding the New York as­pect of it is even big­ger.

It’s a ma­jor life­style change, one we’re do­ing des­pite be­ing quite happy with our cur­rent life­style. Michele and I talked about this a lot and are choos­ing this de­lib­er­ately. It’s not some­thing we ever really wanted to do, but both work­ing at MSK and ex­per­i­en­cing NYC as a loc­al are really in­ter­est­ing op­por­tun­it­ies and we’ve de­cided to make the most of them. She’ll be join­ing me as much as pos­sible down in NYC as we ex­plore this new world of ours.

We’re treat­ing it like an ad­ven­ture.

Hope­fully we can do this en­tire thing on Amtrak. Four hours of laptop time and a lower car­bon foot­print are big wins over the head­ache of driv­ing through Con­necti­c­ut and try­ing to stash the car some­where in NYC, or deal­ing with the over­head and un­re­li­ablity of fly­ing down.