Recovery ride

recovery ride

|ˈriˈkəvərē rīd|

noun (origin: Monsters)

Usage: "I plan to go on a recovery ride today." "Me too.'" "Heh heh." "Heh heh."

  1. A ride that concludes without recovery, thus requiring a subsequent recovery ride. Such rides can be identified by their prototypical three-phase pattern. The first phase consists of casual spinning, usually in two columns, during which cyclists catch up on the news and check to see if anyone has upgraded their ride. The second phase, initiated without explicit acknowledgement by the participants, is detectable by a gradual shift to single-file and a steady increase in sustained collective wattage. In the third phase, all pretense of casualness is abandoned; sensing an inevitable return to the point of origin, riders attack at town lines, assault the hills, and carry out heroic leads. At the conclusion of the circuit, it is customary for cyclists to declare "so much for recovery", accompanied by optional high-fives, fist bumps, or collapse.

  2. A common euphemism for "second day of cycling in a row", easily confused by the novice with the unrelated term, "recovery ride".