A first ride

Just got my “commute” bike tuned at Pedal Power - testing it out.

Thinking I may try to commute in part of the way by bike. This has captured my thinking a lot in the last 3-4 weeks.

Reaction from this ride:

  • I love the moving fast.

  • Sharing the road with traffic - no big deal.

  • Shape - oooof. Not good.

  • Only rode 2.5 miles or so.

  • Tired and sweaty.

  • Have a bit of the “fluttering light” thing in my eyes.

  • Heart rate fluctuated from 120 to 170.

  • More time to rest when riding than when running.

  • Like it better than running.

  • Shoes need better fitting.

  • Should try it several more times before getting serious about the plan - but so far very interested.

  • Gotta cut back on the starbucks.