Brian & Remy's NH4K Quest


There are forty-eight moun­tains in New Hamp­shire that are above 4000 foot in el­ev­a­tion. It’s some­thing of a feat for someone to climb to the peaks of all of these moun­tains, so much so that there are web pages, books, con­tests, and a huge amount of New Hamp­shire hik­ing lore wrapped up around the 4000ers.

Dur­ing the first year of the Cov­id 19 pan­dem­ic, Bri­an Herr and I de­cided to go climb a bunch of them as a way to stay sane. I’d already been up per­haps a dozen of them, but Bri­an and I had so much fun that we de­cided to take the chal­lenge semi-ser­i­ously, so star­ted work­ing our way through the list when we had time and in­clin­a­tion. It’s made for some great ad­ven­tures, amaz­ing pho­tos, and really sore feet.

The map on this page shows our pro­gress:

  • Yel­low stars are peaks we’ve both com­pleted (23)
  • Red stars are peaks I’ve done but Bri­an hasn’t yet (4)
  • Blue points are peaks we have yet to do (21)

Peaks Done

These are the peaks we’ve climbed, in re­verse chro­no­lo­gic­al or­der. I’ve writ­ten up a few of these hikes and cre­ated photo al­bums - where those ex­ist, I’ve linked to them.

16-18. North Tripyr­am­id, Middle Tripyr­am­id

27 March 2022

15. Waum­bek

1 Janu­ary 2022

14. Mori­ah

11 Oc­to­ber 2021

12-13. Osceola, Osceola East

11 Au­gust 2021

9-11. Car­ri­gain, Han­cock, South Han­cock

25 June 2021

6. Tecum­seh

15 Feb­ru­ary 2021

5. Can­non

27 Novem­ber 2020

4. Moosilauke

10 Oct 2020

1-3. Middle Carter, South Carter, Carter Dome

22 Sep 2020

Peaks We’ve Climbed Separately

  • Pas­sa­con­no­way (both of us)

Peaks on the To Do List

  • Adams
  • Bond
  • Bond­cliff
  • Bond, West
  • Cabot
  • Eis­en­hower
  • Field
  • Gale­head
  • Gar­field
  • Hale
  • Isol­a­tion
  • Jack­son
  • Madis­on
  • Mon­roe
  • Owl’s Head
  • Pierce
  • Tom
  • North Twin
  • South Twin
  • Wash­ing­ton
  • Wild­cat A
  • Wild­cat D
  • Wil­ley
  • Zea­l­and