

I don’t keep up with Face­book, or Twit­ter, or In­s­tagram, or Linked­In, or .. etc. So many bet­ter things to do.

At the mo­ment, I don’t have com­ments en­abled on this site. It’s a bit of a tech pro­ject that I’ll get to when I can con­cen­trate on it. In the mean­time, it’s too much work to keep the trolls and auto-spam­mers un­der con­trol.

So - if you have sug­ges­tions or ques­tions, please get in touch via email.

Re­gard­ing email:

  • If you’re try­ing to sell me some­thing, stop now. Email mar­ket­ing is vile and a con­trib­ut­or to the re­cent rap­id de­cline of hu­man­ity. I will add you to my auto-de­lete email fil­ters, and I may well also tell my pro­cure­ment de­part­ment at work to block you from our po­ten­tial vendor list.
  • Oth­er­wise, I’ll read your note, and while I do in­tend to be a good com­mu­nic­at­or, I find I of­ten fall short and thus can make no prom­ises about reply­ing. Again, so much go­ing on.


If you are in­ter­ested in get­ting up­dates when I post a new blog, you can sub­scribe to this site us­ing the ‘Feed’ but­ton be­low. You will need an RSS read­er.


It goes without say­ing, but: everything I ex­press on this site is my own opin­ion and not that of my em­ploy­ers - past or present.