This site and its pro­fes­sion­al sib­ling are mem­bers of the stat­ic web site move­ment, do­ing their part to keep the web clean, fast, and less ob­nox­ious than the neigh­bors.

(See my notes on how and why I chose this plat­form strategy.)

Essential Tools

  • Pel­ic­an - a stat­ic site gen­er­at­or. I chose it over oth­er stat­ic site gen­er­at­ors be­cause it’s writ­ten in Py­thon and is act­ively main­tained. I’ve been quite happy with it so far, and the choice of a Py­thon-based has mattered.
  • m.css - a no-JavaS­cript CSS frame­work and Pel­ic­an theme. Vladi­mir has done an amaz­ing en­gin­eer­ing job with this set of core web de­vel­op­ment tools.
  • Sigal - yet an­oth­er simple stat­ic gal­lery gen­er­at­or, writ­ten in Py­thon <ht­tps://­>. Flex­ible enough that I can sneak it in­to Pel­ic­an us­ing m.css.
  • Gal­ler­ia - A free JavaS­cript im­age gal­lery frame­work.
  • AWS Amp­li­fy - for scal­able and auto-triggered host­ing.


  • Mark­down - thanks for mak­ing the web a bet­ter place, John
  • re­Struc­tured Text - for format­ting pages that need more web-dir­ec­ted con­trol than Mark­down al­lows
  • Py­thon - the more I use it, the more I love it
  • Git­hub - so cool
  • Emacs - the one true re­li­gion